Friday, March 12, 2010

Try #2....

Well, AF is officially not liked by me much right now, although at least I have another try this month.  But of course I started right in the middle of my parent/teacher conferences, which is not at all inconvenient, but also not awkward (insert sarcasm here).  I did call my doc's office thought and found out that she is not happy that I ovulated around CD22 or so on the 50mg, so she wants me to try 100mg this time and shoot for a more medium O day, hopefully around CD14 or so (so I can be more "normal" I'm assuming). 

At least as of 3:30 this afternoon I am officially on Spring Break, so maybe I can relax for a week or so... :)  And maybe I'll be able to update the blog more often.  We"ll see.... :)

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