Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life sucks.

Life sucks right now.  Everything seems to be raining down on me all at once.  Shit is going down at work so that, while I'm pretty sure (not 100% though) that I'll have a job next year, they will be cutting the district to half-day K, which means cutting 22 positions.  That also means that no one is safe right now pretty much, thanks to those stupid a**holes at the state level who chose to f*** up the laws of when districts have to do certain things, like giving us a contract or dropping positions not based on senority.  While that last one is not necessarily a completely bad thing, it's cause for a very stressful situation.  Yet, because of the cuts, no one knows what grade they will be teaching, what school they will be teaching at, and all sorts of drama.  That, on top of a disappointing meeting yesterday which will lead to a very stressful end of the year.  Then add on to it that I'm feeling especially infertile right now.  Talk about depressing......  Everyone is pregnant or just had a baby, including the wife of a very close collegue of mine at school.  I worked with his wife and him as well last year, and they are both wonderful people.  I love them both to pieces.  He and I have been keeping each other afloat this year as we both have to deal with a certain situation at work and we bounce good days off each other.  When I'm having a bad day, he bolsters me up and vise versa.  It has been one of the only reasons I have made it this year with as much sanity as I have right now.  Last year, his wife became pregnant, but very soon after it was announced at school (which, BTW I think was not supposed to happen.  She didn't seem happy that it spread so quickly.) she had a miscarriage.  I don't know if they've had a hard time with IF since it's not really something you want to ask someone, but a miscarriage is never something that is okay.  When I found out this year that she was pregnant again, after my jealousy chose to rear its ugly head and then back off some, I was *so* excited for them.  She had to have an emergency C-section a couple of weeks ago (4 weeks early), but she and baby did extremely well and are still doing well.  My collegue at work is deleriously happy (which I totally understand!) and has understandably taken some time off of work, but he's still back and forth for certain meetings and lesson plans, etc. He has come to talk to me about stuff at work, show pictures, etc, and I've been pretty down on myself lately.  Twice he has made a comment to me stating, "You know what you need to do to feel better?  Have a baby, that will make you so happy all the time and you won't care about anything else anymore!".  Ouch.  I know he doesn't know, but still. Ouch.
It seems like I am the only one who isn't, and right now I'm feeling like I might never be at all, which I know is a stupid idea, especially at the stage of my IF journey I'm in, but I can't help but feel that way.  I'm just in a bad place right now.  Hopefully airing all this out here will help, but as of now I just want to crawl in my big, empty bed (DH has to work late AGAIN and won't be home until at least 1am :( ) in my pjs, with crappy tv and cry.  Maybe I will do just that.

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