Friday, April 23, 2010

Another day....

Another day to get through.... I'm doing better, although I did stay home again.  I just wasn't ready to face those 23 five year olds.....  It's nice to have support from my kinder team at school though.  I'm trying not to tell many people, since people don't really need to know, but I didn't want them to worry about me. (I know, that statement sounds silly, but I still, even now, can't help trying to help other people.  The one time I'm allowed to be selfish, I think, and I can't even do that right....)

Still bleeding horribly, but light at the end of the tunnel time.  My doc wants me to do another round of Clo.mid, same dosage, and this time I'm scheduled for an ultrasound on the 4th for, what I think they said, was called a "dominate follicle scan".  I wish I had written it down.  Oh well, I'm sure I can call and ask and they'll tell me.

Just trying to take it day-by-day and looking forward to to hopefully succeeding this next time.  *crossing fingers and praying*

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's done.

The test at the office yesterday was negative.  They sent me for blood work and they would call me the next day (today).  I had a bad feeling all the rest of the day.  This morning I woke up to horrible cramps and bright red blood.  I know what that means.  I tried going to school, but couldn't handle it and told my principal what was going on.  He was *very* supportive and was able to get some of the ladies to take my class for the day.  I called the doctor to tell them, and they confirmed for me that the blood test was negative and I was having an early miscarriage.  It's over.  I'm done and tired and can't seem to either stop crying or sit in a stupor.  I'm done.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!.................................................

It was positive.... 2 were positive! :) *happy dance*

Friday, April 9, 2010

New additions and the obligatory waiting period

Well, the waiting period has commenced and continues to be a pain in my a** as always.  We're 7 days into it (about, FF is so confused about my cycles, and frankly, so am I.... Oh well, at least I know I *did* O this time...) and it's as hard to keep from testing as it always does.  I wanna know, but I know that it won't tell me anytime soon.  *sigh* Oh well....

To add to our craziness in our house, we got a new dog yesterday.  DH and I have both been talking about getting another one for awhile now (can anyone say furbabies?) but just haven't been able to find one.  We disagree somewhat on what we wanted.  I've always wanted a big baby (Mastiff, Great Dane...) and he wanted a Shiba Inu, Greyhound, or a Whippet.  I wouldn't mind one of the others, and he doesn't mind the bigger ones, we could just never find the right one.  Well, yesterday DH went and picked up our new baby, and he is a giant!  He is a male Great Dane, 2 years old and huge! :)  His head goes past DH's waist just standing on 4 feet normally, and he's 6'.  He is the gentlest, sweetest big galoot though. :)  And he's getting along great with our other 2 so far (Mini Schnauzer and long haired Dachshund).  Then again, our 2 deal with big babies all the time since we housesit for a friend's mastiff, and they go over to her house when we go out of town to play with their 4 total mastiffs. :)  He seems to be adjusting well so far.  I love him! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

All the way here?!?!

Just a quick note.... It's Easter Sunday and me and DH were just sitting on the couch watching movies on TV when I began to feel dizzy and felt like the couch was on rockers.  I looked to see if DH was moving the couch somehow and noticed that he wasn't.  I asked him if he was moving the couch and he said, "No, it's not you?  I feel kind of dizzy too."  I told him I was too, and asked if maybe we had a gas leak or something.  When he got up to open the back door to air out the house, just in case, I noticed the water in our water cooler was shaking.  We then both looked at each other and said, "Earthquake?"  We changed to CNN and saw that yes, there in fact had been an earthquake in Baja, CA.  We felt it all the way here, around 200-250 miles away.  Not even in CA anywhere.  First one either one of us have felt before too.  *Very* strange, but neat! :)