Thursday, December 17, 2009

To myself... and possibly others someday....

I was searching the blogosphere looking for other IFers.... Which I seem to be constantly doing nowadays... This is a great place to go and surf my constant IF mind flutterings away.  Even though sometimes I feel like I'm not a full part of it yet, since I have yet to reach that full point of extra added help (meds, procedures, IUI, IVF, etc.), although I seem to be well on my way.  It's a weird place to be.  Not even close to the "Fertile" camp by any means, yet still not fully in the "Infertile" camp yet. 

Anyway, as I was saying, I came across a blog and noticed (not for the first time) a thread picture and a note talking of having a "common thread".  I was intrigued and clicked to read a great post, which I am now adding to my blog and linking to that one. 

PLEASE!  If you are in the same camp, go to the link above and enjoy.  I would love to know when I see a pregnant woman that she is an IFer (even if I may not be entirely there yet... I wonder if I'm sheltering myself?) and know that I can possibly go up to her and talk with her, and not feel that slight pain that emminates from seeing a happy pregnant woman when I can't seem to get there myself.  I'm not sure if I can bring myself to wear it yet (we haven't told family that we are TTCing yet... don't know how I would go about explaining it...) but to know that it was out there and available to me is comforting.  Thank you IF community for bringing this knowledge and acceptance into my life.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Well, AF showed up... finally... and I was able to schedule my HSG for next Tuesday, which they almost didn't want to do.  I called when I was supposed to (when AF reared her ugly head), like the good little girl I am, since the test has to be done between the 7th and 10th days.  When I called and told them, they went through all the normal questions, "You know you need to have it done at this certain time?", "Yes, that's what you told me last time.", "When did you start?", "Last night, woo hoo.", etc.  Then the lady (who was very nice and sweet and tried to be as helpful as possible, despite things) said that it looked like they were booked up and nothing was open until after Xmas.  I told her, as nicely but forcefully as possible, that after Xmas would not work.  I tried to explain how I am *extremely* irregular and never know when AF will come at all, if she does choose to visit at all.  Because of this situation, my NP had me take Provera for 5 days to force AF to come, just so I could have this blessed test done.  So, the very nice secretary asked me to hold, which I did for about 10 mins, and when she came back she told me she was able to squeeze me in next week.  I can't tell you how happy that made me.  That lady is awesome!  I really did not want to be forced to not only have a random AF that was not useful in the slightest, but to have to wait to start on the Clomid any longer than I had to wait.  Now it looks as though I might be able to start the new year off with a bang, so to speak, which I am *very* happy about!  Yea for very helpful scheduling ladies! :)

BTW, when I had called my dr office to make sure that I was scheduling the correct test (long story, but they marked hysterosonogram instead of hysterosalpingogram, and I wanted to make sure to get the right one done.... again with the random, not needed tests...) the nurse said it was funny, she was just going to call me and tell me DH's results for *his* test.  Guess what?  He has jumped on the "completely normal" bandwagon with me.  We can be a "completely normal" couple together now!

What is with the term "normal" surrounding my life?  How can I be normal when I don't ovulate more than a couple times a year and can not, for the life of me, seem to get pregnant?  That does not seem to be normal to me...

Maybe I just need to chill out and count my blessings, being "normal" and all.  Sometimes I wish that there was *some* kind of diagnosis though.  Then at least I could pinpoint and say, "There!  That's why we don't have any kids yet!" and then be able to work with that.  Instead, I'm "normal", but just don't ovulate for some unknown, strange reason.  Way to be vague, body.  Thanks for the help....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Testing... again...

So, yesterday DH and I drove into town... again... so that we could turn in his SA "correctly" this time... and it seems to have been successful, which is a relief.  It becomes annoying when you have to redo something when it was messed up for reasons beyond your control (at least that's what I think...).  That was in the morning, then we got DH a new heavier coat, which he needed, and walked around the abnormally empty mall for a while.  By the time we left, it was beginning to fill up, but still, one of the last Saturdays left before Xmas and that empty? Sign of the times maybe....

Then we were relaxing at home before we left for my school's Xmas party (which was a lot of fun, btw!). 
*This may be a little TMI, so if you don't want to know, you may want to pass on the next part!*
I went to restroom, and discovered I had creamy CM, but it was pink, which personally I think is very strange.  So what did I do?  I googled... to no actual avail.  I got a lot of regular people's opinion from message boards, but no real medical advice that I could tell.  I did narrow it down to 2 options though:
1) Just means AF is coming soon, thanks to the Provera that I took and have been waiting for, which is okay, since then I can get the not-so-much-fun test over with sooner and on to the better stuff.    OR
2) It is implantation bleeding, which sometimes (according to random people who *know*!) comes with creamy CM, and I may in fact be pgt, which would be *wonderful*! 

I think we all know which I would choose.... but at this point, either would be great! I guess we'll see in a couple days....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Is it just me, or is everyone suffering from Babymania?  I know that, with all the TTC and failing and all of my emotions pretty much at the surface because of that, I would probably notice more of that.  I promise though, that every single day I see something on TV about someone pregnant, baby stuff, some show about having 18 babies, all sorts of stuff.  Then I go to the store and I see baby furniture, baby clothes, you name it, all around me.  Then I head to work and, of course, there are 6 (!), count them, 6 women at school who are pregnant.  Are there babies everywhere but at my house, or do I just think there are since I can't seem to get pregnant myself?  Fairly depressing no matter what way you look at it.....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

DH testing a bust....

Well, that was useless.... Poor DH saved up for his SA, we drove up into town so he could turn it in, and we got there at 11:30 in the afternoon, and the message told us it would be open until noon.  Great timing right?  Ummm, no apparently not.  So, according to the lady at the desk, even though the office is *directly attached* to the stupid hospital, they only take SA drop-offs at 9:30 in the morning on Sat (and other random, unhelpful times during the work week) since their courier, who takes them to the actual lab (even though we were *in* a lab I thought!), only comes at those certain times.  Now, I don't blame my doc for not telling me, since she sees tons of people each day and sends them all over town for all sorts of tests, and she can't always remember little details like that.  I *can* however blame the lab office for not only not telling us when we called on the phone, but then did not say anything on their message when we called back to double check Sat hours.  They don't even have to be specific.  They could say that if you are dropping off, make sure to call and check special DO times, or call and make an appt, or something.  That was very frustrating, and now poor DH has to save up again for next weekend.  Poor DH, and poor me too, since I kinda enjoy not having to save up either! :( Stupid lab office....

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tests, tests, and more tests....

So, DH is now getting the fun of the tests, although his are a lot more enjoyable than mine have been.... Plus, I still have one more to go, and I can't get it done until my AF starts, which we never know when that will be.  So my doc prescribed me some pills to *make* me have an AF... Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Oh well, maybe this will be the last one I need for a while....  I can always hope, right?