Saturday, December 5, 2009

DH testing a bust....

Well, that was useless.... Poor DH saved up for his SA, we drove up into town so he could turn it in, and we got there at 11:30 in the afternoon, and the message told us it would be open until noon.  Great timing right?  Ummm, no apparently not.  So, according to the lady at the desk, even though the office is *directly attached* to the stupid hospital, they only take SA drop-offs at 9:30 in the morning on Sat (and other random, unhelpful times during the work week) since their courier, who takes them to the actual lab (even though we were *in* a lab I thought!), only comes at those certain times.  Now, I don't blame my doc for not telling me, since she sees tons of people each day and sends them all over town for all sorts of tests, and she can't always remember little details like that.  I *can* however blame the lab office for not only not telling us when we called on the phone, but then did not say anything on their message when we called back to double check Sat hours.  They don't even have to be specific.  They could say that if you are dropping off, make sure to call and check special DO times, or call and make an appt, or something.  That was very frustrating, and now poor DH has to save up again for next weekend.  Poor DH, and poor me too, since I kinda enjoy not having to save up either! :( Stupid lab office....

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