Thursday, December 17, 2009

To myself... and possibly others someday....

I was searching the blogosphere looking for other IFers.... Which I seem to be constantly doing nowadays... This is a great place to go and surf my constant IF mind flutterings away.  Even though sometimes I feel like I'm not a full part of it yet, since I have yet to reach that full point of extra added help (meds, procedures, IUI, IVF, etc.), although I seem to be well on my way.  It's a weird place to be.  Not even close to the "Fertile" camp by any means, yet still not fully in the "Infertile" camp yet. 

Anyway, as I was saying, I came across a blog and noticed (not for the first time) a thread picture and a note talking of having a "common thread".  I was intrigued and clicked to read a great post, which I am now adding to my blog and linking to that one. 

PLEASE!  If you are in the same camp, go to the link above and enjoy.  I would love to know when I see a pregnant woman that she is an IFer (even if I may not be entirely there yet... I wonder if I'm sheltering myself?) and know that I can possibly go up to her and talk with her, and not feel that slight pain that emminates from seeing a happy pregnant woman when I can't seem to get there myself.  I'm not sure if I can bring myself to wear it yet (we haven't told family that we are TTCing yet... don't know how I would go about explaining it...) but to know that it was out there and available to me is comforting.  Thank you IF community for bringing this knowledge and acceptance into my life.

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