Sunday, December 13, 2009

Testing... again...

So, yesterday DH and I drove into town... again... so that we could turn in his SA "correctly" this time... and it seems to have been successful, which is a relief.  It becomes annoying when you have to redo something when it was messed up for reasons beyond your control (at least that's what I think...).  That was in the morning, then we got DH a new heavier coat, which he needed, and walked around the abnormally empty mall for a while.  By the time we left, it was beginning to fill up, but still, one of the last Saturdays left before Xmas and that empty? Sign of the times maybe....

Then we were relaxing at home before we left for my school's Xmas party (which was a lot of fun, btw!). 
*This may be a little TMI, so if you don't want to know, you may want to pass on the next part!*
I went to restroom, and discovered I had creamy CM, but it was pink, which personally I think is very strange.  So what did I do?  I googled... to no actual avail.  I got a lot of regular people's opinion from message boards, but no real medical advice that I could tell.  I did narrow it down to 2 options though:
1) Just means AF is coming soon, thanks to the Provera that I took and have been waiting for, which is okay, since then I can get the not-so-much-fun test over with sooner and on to the better stuff.    OR
2) It is implantation bleeding, which sometimes (according to random people who *know*!) comes with creamy CM, and I may in fact be pgt, which would be *wonderful*! 

I think we all know which I would choose.... but at this point, either would be great! I guess we'll see in a couple days....

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