Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Well, AF showed up... finally... and I was able to schedule my HSG for next Tuesday, which they almost didn't want to do.  I called when I was supposed to (when AF reared her ugly head), like the good little girl I am, since the test has to be done between the 7th and 10th days.  When I called and told them, they went through all the normal questions, "You know you need to have it done at this certain time?", "Yes, that's what you told me last time.", "When did you start?", "Last night, woo hoo.", etc.  Then the lady (who was very nice and sweet and tried to be as helpful as possible, despite things) said that it looked like they were booked up and nothing was open until after Xmas.  I told her, as nicely but forcefully as possible, that after Xmas would not work.  I tried to explain how I am *extremely* irregular and never know when AF will come at all, if she does choose to visit at all.  Because of this situation, my NP had me take Provera for 5 days to force AF to come, just so I could have this blessed test done.  So, the very nice secretary asked me to hold, which I did for about 10 mins, and when she came back she told me she was able to squeeze me in next week.  I can't tell you how happy that made me.  That lady is awesome!  I really did not want to be forced to not only have a random AF that was not useful in the slightest, but to have to wait to start on the Clomid any longer than I had to wait.  Now it looks as though I might be able to start the new year off with a bang, so to speak, which I am *very* happy about!  Yea for very helpful scheduling ladies! :)

BTW, when I had called my dr office to make sure that I was scheduling the correct test (long story, but they marked hysterosonogram instead of hysterosalpingogram, and I wanted to make sure to get the right one done.... again with the random, not needed tests...) the nurse said it was funny, she was just going to call me and tell me DH's results for *his* test.  Guess what?  He has jumped on the "completely normal" bandwagon with me.  We can be a "completely normal" couple together now!

What is with the term "normal" surrounding my life?  How can I be normal when I don't ovulate more than a couple times a year and can not, for the life of me, seem to get pregnant?  That does not seem to be normal to me...

Maybe I just need to chill out and count my blessings, being "normal" and all.  Sometimes I wish that there was *some* kind of diagnosis though.  Then at least I could pinpoint and say, "There!  That's why we don't have any kids yet!" and then be able to work with that.  Instead, I'm "normal", but just don't ovulate for some unknown, strange reason.  Way to be vague, body.  Thanks for the help....

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